Simran Bhogal, the Woman Who Dared to Date Steve Jobs: Where is She Now?

Simran Bhogal, the Woman Who Dared to Date Steve Jobs: Where is She Now?

In the early 1980s, a beautiful young woman named Simran Bhogal dared to date Steve Jobs. At the time, Jobs was an up-and-coming computer genius who had not yet made his fortune. Bhogal was a student at UC Berkeley, and she quickly became swept up in Jobs’ world of wealth and glamour. But what happened to her after their relationship ended?

Who is Simran Bhogal and what is her connection to Steve Jobs

Simran Bhogal is a woman who was once romantically involved with Steve Jobs. While the two dated, Simran worked at Apple as a financial analyst. After their break-up, she left the company and moved back to London. Simran Bhogal has largely stayed out of the public eye since her relationship with Steve Jobs ended. She currently works in financial services and lives with her parents in North West London. While Simran Bhogal has kept a low profile, she did make headlines in 2016 when it was revealed that she was dating Prince Harry.

What has she been up to since the relationship ended

Since the relationship ended, Simran has been busy working in the financial services industry. She is also active on social media, but has kept a low profile since the breakup. In 2016, it was revealed that she was dating Prince Harry. The two have since broken up, but remain friends. Simran currently lives in North West London with her parents.

How did the relationship end and why was it so controversial

The relationship ended shortly after Simran learned that Jobs was not yet divorced from his wife, Laurene Powell. The two had been dating for about a year at that point. Jobs had reportedly told Bhogal that he was in the process of divorcing his wife, but she later found out that wasn’t true. The breakup was apparently quite messy and Bhogal even hired a lawyer to try to get some of her possessions back from him. As for why the relationship was so controversial, well, Jobs was one of the most famous and successful people in the world at the time and Bhogal was just an unknown woman from North West London.

What do people think of her now that she’s in the public eye

People seem to think that Simran is brave for dating Steve Jobs, even though he was much older than her. She is also admired for working in the financial services industry. However, there are some who believe that she is using her relationship with Steve Jobs to advance her career.

What kind of financial services does she work in

Simran Bhogal works in financial services. She is a banker or financial advisor of some kind.Simran Bhogal is a woman who was once romantically involved with Steve Jobs. While the two dated, Simran worked at Apple as a financial analyst. After their break-up, she left the company and moved back to London. Since the relationship ended, Simran has been busy working in the financial services industry.

Irene B. Keen

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