Your First Day on a Job as a London Governess

Your First Day on a Job as a London Governess

Even if you are an experienced governess, starting a job with a new family can be nerve-wracking and it can make you lose a lot of energy. You will ask yourself tons of questions such as whether children will like you, or if the parents will hate something that you do, etc. 

Still, it is perfectly normal to be nervous since it is like that for all jobs and being a governess is not an exception. The one thing that usually calms new nannies’ nerves is that although you are uncomfortable your family is uncomfortable also. However, there really is no need to be anxious, and going into it with an open heart will definitely help and build a foundation for mutual respect. 

In addition to being self-confident and honest, do not forget to be prepared. Spontaneity is nice, but we all know that every good improvisation is perfectly planned. So, now we will discuss what you can do in order to make yourself more comfortable on your first day. 

The Best Tips For Your First Day As A London Governess

Of course, every person is different, and depending on whether you are an anxious person in general you will need a different set of tips concerning your first day on your job. However, here we will discuss some universal set of rules that can be applied to any job, but mostly they can apply to a nanny or a governess. Needless to say that what can make your life easier is choosing the best governess agency for yourself that can match you with your “perfect family”.

So, here is what you need to pay attention to: 

  • Understand the house rules
  • Always be prepared with a structured plan 
  • Dress appropriately 
  • Be prepared for the worst-case scenario

Let’s discuss each one of these properly. 

Make Sure To Understand the House Rules

When you were filling out the forms at your governess agency of choice you probably put your requirements. Therefore, you are aware that every family will also have their own set of requirements. The best way is to ask parents in advance about the child’s daily routine. In addition to their daily routine, you need to be aware of any allergies or medications that might be relevant, and basically, anything else that can be relevant in order for you to avoid the stress of the first day’s immediate problems. 

In order for both sides to live up to the expectations, goals need to be clearly defined and explained. Don’t be afraid to ask the parents for specifics on how they’d like the day to go. Even if it seems trivial or if you think that it would be bad for you to ask, don’t be afraid to find out when the children need to eat, play, snack, sleep and bathe. 

Ideally, it should function like this- parents should set the priorities, while the nanny needs to set the structure in accordance with the parents’ set of priorities. Still, make sure to include fun activities also. Don’t be afraid to go Mrs. Doubtfire on your new little ones. 

Always Be Prepared With A Structured Plan

The role of the governess and the role of the teacher is very similar. Therefore, you will agree that a top-notch teacher never goes to their class without a plan. Whether you will be exploring a country, culture, or musical preferences, both parents and children will respect you more when you’re considerate, educational, and prepared.

For example, if your “new children” like Maths, you can create “ A Competition Day” where the children can compete among themselves in resolving the maths assignments. If “your children” are not of the same age you will have to adjust the assignments to different levels of course. That is why you need a plan and a structure.  

In order to make a competition you can think of rewards and what will they get if they are focused and motivated to resolve as many assignments as possible. It is similar to all of us, we all need some kind of reward in order to be motivated, and we are just changing them as we grow up. 

Dress Appropriately On Your First Day On A Job As A London Governess 

We don’t want to be strict in these modern times. However, you will agree that it is very important to leave a great first impression. Although it may seem obvious, we need to point out that what you wear while taking care of kids really matters. You need to make sure that you are somewhere between casual and appropriate, but never forget to feel comfortable.

Being comfortable is one of the most important factors for this job. What will save you a lot of time is definitely planning nanny outfits ahead of time. When you plan in advance, you will reduce your first-day anxiety and frustration. Whether the kids are older or not, your movement is not to be constrained in any way so that you could do your job properly. 

So, please don’t get this tip wrong. It is not about limiting your style or choices for clothes, but it is rather about being professional and comfortable at the same time. The key is to make all three sides happy- the children, the parents, and of course yourself. 

Be Prepared For The Worst-Case Scenario

Sometimes when people hear this piece of advice they are not too happy about it. You just need to have in mind that it is not about anticipating the worst, but it is rather about expecting the best and planning for the worst. For example, if you are previously warned that children don’t like sports activities, you will not start your first day by teaching them basketball basics. 

Just in case something unforeseen happens since you are a stranger that is the first time at their house, after all, just make sure to spend just a few minutes entering must-have numbers into your phone. When we say must-have, we think of parents’ personal cells and work numbers, or the next best contact person, such as aunts, uncles, or grandparents. In addition, the locations of the closest emergency rooms are also desirable to know.

In the end, make sure to give yourself what you need. Whether it is going to the gym, enjoying a glass of wine, going out with your friends, or reading a book, just make sure to do something relaxing and satisfying. After all, it was your first day on the new job, and it is indeed reinvigorating to treat yourself after a long day at the new gig.

Asif malik

I'm a senior editor at Adsswift, covering all topics like business news and technology. I also co-author The Current on different websites .

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